Tuesday, May 25, 2010


On Saturday, our niece Shelby got married. The sealing was wonderful. Afterwards we all went to her husbands parents house for dinner before the reception. Well, Logan had a lot of energy to burn off. He was running all over the backyard. The house we were at had an elevated patio with railing around it. Logan ran into one and split open right above his eyelid. When I realized what happened, I was more upset than he was. We took him to urgent care. They ended up putting one stitch in and a steri-strip on it. I'm sure we will have to do this more than once with him.
Thank goodness for 24 hr. urgent care.
Logan right before they called us back.
Right after they put the stitch in.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Playing Catch-up!

So, I am behind again on my blogging. Ciara turned 9 in March. I can't believe she is so old. We had a craft birthday party. The girls decorated flip-flops and small purses and made lip gloss. It was lots of fun.

Easter weekend my parents and niece came to visit. The boys, Shane and my dad went to a Las vegas fire station that a friend works at. While they were there my mom, Ciara, Jami and I went to have a girls day. I was glad they could come visit. It was a fun weekend.

The last week in April Baskin Robbins offers 31 cent scoops of ice cream for one night. We of course took advantage of this. It was a little windy and cold, so we came home to eat it. Here is a couple pics of the kids. Logan picked chocolate, and had it everywhere.